Human Centered Design | Software Engineer
I am currently seeking a Post-Doctoral, Research Engineering, or Software Enginnering position.
I design and develop systems and interactions to support individuals in creation tasks. I have a particular interest in expressing personal narratives. Human centered design requires focusing on people's context of use, with all the systemic biases that appear all to frequently in technological spheres. I believe technology design can serve as a field for promoting equity for people of all genders and backgrounds.
TVCG VIS 2024 Acceptance Rate: 22% (124/557)
DataGarden: Formalizing Personal Sketches into Structured Visualization Templates
Anna Offenwanger, Theophanis Tsandilas, and Fanny Chevalier
TVCG VIS 2023 Acceptance Rate: 26% (139/539)
TimeSplines: Sketch-based Authoring of Flexible and Idiosyncratic Timelines
Anna Offenwanger, Matthew Brehmer, Fanny Chevalier, Theophanis Tsandilas
THRI 2023
15 years of (who) man robot interaction: Reviewing the h in human-robot interaction
Katie Winkle, Erik Lagerstedt, Ilaria Torre, Anna Offenwanger
CHI 2021 Acceptance Rate: 26% (749/2844)
Anna Offenwanger, Alan Milligan, Minsuk Chang, Julia Bullard, and Dongwook Yoon
WCCCE 2014 Acceptance Rate: 67% (78/117)
Anna Offenwanger and Yves Lucet
Industry Experience
Mar 2024 - Aug 2024
Microsoft Research Intern and Contractor on the Epic Transcendence team
Working on the next generation of AI Interaction. (Publications coming soon...)
Aug 2017 - Aug 2018
Google Software Engineer, Developer on the Chrome WebXR project
WebXR is a web spec that will make it possible to distribute VR applications on the internet. For one year I was working on the backend systems that made this spec usable in Chrome, making VR development easily accessible to developers.
Specific involvement: Developed a test suite for various WebXR features, and worked on using smartphone gyroscopes for magic window style immersion. Javascript and C++ development.
Sep 2016 - Aug 2017
Google Software Engineering Residency Program
As part of the Engineering residency program, did two five month projects on different teams.
Oct 2016 - Mar 2017
Designed and built a visualization application to streamline inspection of user demographics data. Developed project outline, created design documents, applied review feedback, prioritized tasks. Application built in AngularJS.
Mar 2017 - Aug 2017
Added a feature to allow casting of local files to remote playback devices through Chrome. Programed in C++
Also added the number of bookmarks to be opened to the Chrome bookmarks bar right-click menu.
Oct 2021 - April 2025
Ph.D. in Computer Science
Université Paris-SaclayThesis: Sketch-based support for expressive personal visualization
Sep 2018 - May 2021
M.Sc. in Computer Science
University of British Columbia, VancouverThesis: Diagnosing Bias in the Gender Representation of HCI Research Participants : How it Happens and Where We Are (PDF)
TA'ed Courses:
CPSC 420, Computers and Society
CPSC 100, Computational Thinking
Sep 2011 - Jun 2016
B.A. Honours in Computer Science, Minor in Math and Statistics
University of British Columbia, OkanaganThesis: Generative Neural Networks (PDF)
TA'ed Courses:
COSC 111, Introduction to Computer Science
Work study
Can robots paint? (spoiler alert, ours didn’t) Using a 6ft industrial Kawasaki Robot Arm, we built a system that allowed the arm to manipulate a brush in order to paint expressively. We aimed to explore the definition of ‘an artist’ in a AI and machine driven world.
Personal Interests
3D printing and other Maker tools blur the line between physical and digital objects. Exploring the capacities and limitations of various makerspace tools, I have developed a variety of items, from badge holders to Nazgul Gauntlets, combining 3D printing and textile arts.
WebXR technologies
WebXR has the potential to democratize immersive technologies by focusing on cross-platform compatibility. I am keen to explore the potential of this medium, and experiment with application development in my spare time.
Simple Demo: